Guide Dogs: The Guiding Angels for the Blind!

There is no doubt that dogs are human’s best friend. They are the most loyal creatures and the best pets. Dogs are smart animals and can add colours to your life. They are caring and cute. The relationship between humans and dogs has evolved over the centuries.

They are mutually caring, and dogs have been faithful to humans for years. They have proved that they care for us and will be there for us when we need them.

Well, dogs have proved over time that they are more than animals. There are guide dogs available for blind people. They provide guidance to blind people. Also, they give protection, companionship and assistance to us. These trained dogs help both blind and partially people. 

Guide Dogs are an Eye to the Blind

Many people refer to guide dogs as "seeing eye dogs". The "seeing eye" is a trademarked term owned by the Seeing Eye Inc. There are various other organizations as well as providing guiding dogs to the ones needing them. These organizations extensively train these dogs. A foster family initially keeps the puppy for at least one year. After they are returned to the training organization. These organizations hire licensed trainers. This training is very different and crucial in nature. 

These puppies are given hard training for inducing discipline in them. Discipline is the key in training guide dogs. While these dogs are in their one-year fostering period, they are loved so much and at the same time are taught strict discipline. The fostering period occurs in the strict supervision of expert trainers. The initial years are very sensitive and important. Dogs are made to work to achieve the right attitude for this job. Labrador retrievers are the most common breed used for guide dogs. On reason to prefer Labrador retrievers to other breed is that they are comparatively patient and friendlier.

Well, the training is not limited to the guiding dog only. After matching an owner with a specific guiding dog, that person also receives training. In this way, both the dog and the owner beautifully co-exist. They truly become an eye for the ones without any viable sense of seeing. This training plan has been developed after years of research and practice. Dogs are trained to have the right cognitive functioning, patience and an ability to perceive and follow commands.

Laws regarding Blind Dogs

The legal aspect of dogs also plays a role. It is a must that guide dogs must follow the rules. They must be able to observe and execute commands. The owner must develop the skill to command effectually. The laws vary according to different regions. Many countries protect the right of visually impaired persons to carry a guide dog in public places.

Things Guide Dogs Do and Do Not Do

Although guide dogs are intelligent beings and they are calm dogs, they do come with limitations. Guide dogs can read elevator numbers and street signs. The owner must develop his or her ways to determine. Guide Dogs monitor the situations. They can sense if their owner is in danger. They can even indicate danger, health hazards and obstacles on the way. They can even guide you to empty seats in public places.

How to Get a Guide Dog?

The cost of any guide dog can vary based on the factors such as region, requirements and laws. Most of the guiding dog kennels run and provide guide dogs without any cost if someone deserving in need. If people are interested in acquiring a guide dog, they need to complete an extensive application process and many training sessions.